Sarah’s Bees

Last summer we had a party at our house and one of Diana’s yoga students was interested in my bees and asked if I would be interested in helping her put some bees on her property.  Sarah and her husband have a nice piece of property that backs up to Read more…

Blooming tulips

Lookin’ for queen cells

Spring is the time of year when the thoughts of bees turn to swarming.  Most people think of swarms of bees as something to be feared – images of nasty swarms swooping from the skies, terrorizing women and children.  Oops, sorry, that’s my fear of Congress. Swarming is actually reproduction Read more…

Year end wrap up

After a long and spectacular fall, winter weather finally arrived in full force.  On Monday morning at 9:30 am, it was 68 degrees.  By 1:30 pm, it was 23 degrees.  Temps were sub-zero Wednesday night and we got our first real snow of the season this week.  Going from highs Read more…

New bees for 2014

Last Saturday, I spent the morning passing out bee packages for Tim Brod of Highland Honey Bees.  We passed out almost 500 packages to buyers of all shapes and sizes.  My favorites were the kids who would come with their parents.  Some of them were really into it and others Read more…