A weekend of gratitude

As Thanksgiving approaches, I thought I’d write a post about gratitude.  This was a weekend full of gratitude for Diana and me. We spent Saturday at an all-day meditation intensive at Eldorado Yoga Ashram.  This was my first intensive, so I was a bit hesitant about spending an entire day Read more…

No Shave Movember - Week 1

PSA – Update #4

My colleague sent out the first snow PSA of the season last week and another yesterday which heralded in the first snow of the season.  Since it’s PSA season again, I thought I’d post an update of my cancer journey.  Reading through the last one, I noticed I sounded a Read more…

4-leaf clovers

PSA Update #2

Here’s the latest on my prostate cancer journey.  The next post should be about doing a split on BnB2 which I hope to do this weekend. When I lived in California just after graduating from college, I remember driving up to San Francisco on I-280, passing over the Stanford Linear Read more…


Whenever we have the chance for a major snowstorm, a colleague of mine sends out a Public Service Announcement (PSA) which details the storm development, factors that could affect the storm track and how much snow he thinks we’ll get. I’ve always enjoyed these because the gives a good synopsis Read more…