A Gardening Sankalpa

In yoga philosophy, a sankalpa is a term that refers to a heartfelt desire, a solemn vow, an intention, or a resolve to do something.  It could be something like repeating a several malas of a mantra each day, performing a particular practice before or after meditation, or just resolving Read more…

Bee Safe Longmont Estates

Bee Safe Neighborhoods

Last night I attended a workshop put on by Bee Safe Boulder to talk about creating Bee Safe Neighborhoods.  The concept was developed by the Living Systems Institute in Golden, Colorado.  The goal is to get your neighbors to eliminate the use of systemic pesticides (e.g. neonicotinoids or neonics for Read more…

snow covered hives

Weather or not

For Christmas, my wife got me a weather station that would allow me to monitor the weather in my yard through the internet.  It took me a while to figure out the best place to put it (roof, side yard, etc), but I finally figured the best place was in Read more…

Signs of Spring

While my friends and fellow beeks are dealing with snow and cold in the Northeast, we are enjoying a bit of spring-like weather here in the West.  As we meteorologists say: “Trough (cold) in the East, Ridge (warm) in the West”  (and vice-versa).  Here in the Colorado Front Range, a Read more…

The gift of gardening

When I was a kid growing up in Rhode Island, my dad had a vegetable garden in our backyard.  The most fun thing about that was in the fall after everything was harvested and it was just bare dirt.  My brother and I would turn it into a battlefield of Read more…

The most wonderful time of the year!

No, it’s not Christmas (sorry Andy Williams), it’s Springtime! For beekeepers, it’s a time of swarms, splits, new bees and hives.  For gardeners, it’s a time for cleanup, plantings, new gardens and watching the rebirth of nature. This year, I’m adding another hive, same style as the other (Hardison Top Read more…