Black Friday/Cyber Monday Sale now through Dec 2! 20% off all items except honey!

The lost swarm

Last month, I got a call about a swarm from a bee tree (a tree with a colony of wild bees). The bee tree had already thrown a primary swarm the week before and this was a secondary. Secondary swarms may have mated or virgin queens in them (or both). Read more…

A Season of Increase

It’s been a busy spring for me and finding the time to do a blog post just hasn’t happened,   but here’s an update on my beekeeping adventures this year.  A bit long winded, but I hope you enjoy it. I went into the winter with 6 1/2 hives (1/2 Read more…

Cathedral hive - last bar is all honey

Never stop learning!

Whenever I open the Feedly app on my phone, it says, “Never stop learning!”  It keeps me up to date on the latest news from bee blogs that I follow, as well as the day’s political news and cute cat videos. This past weekend I took that phrase to heart Read more…

Swarm a foot off the ground

No split, swarm!

When I was a kid, I used to tell this nonsensical joke to people: Two ducks are sitting in a bathtub.  One duck says, “Pass the soap.”  The other duck says, “No soap, radio!” I’d laugh and they’d look at me like I was insane.  I still get a kick Read more…

To Catch a Swarm

I went out for a walk today at work with my friend Lucia and when I got back to my office, I had e-mails, texts and videos from both my wife and neighbor telling me that BnB2 had swarmed.  I had looked in the hive on Saturday and it didn’t Read more…