When we first started the Buddha And The Bees website back in 2013, it was a place for Don to blog about his love of bees and beekeeping. While honey was the main product for consumption from the hive, we found that the wax had use too (beside for the bees). We got wax when we harvested honey. We got wax when we cleaned up dead hives. We got wax when we rotated out old comb.
This wax piled up in buckets and eventually we found ways to melt it and process it into a clean usable product. We separated the brood wax from the purer honeycomb wax. Some of the first things we made were and lip balms and tea lights. Through time, Diana started handcrafting her “potions” with the wax – body creams, hand salves and more flavorful lip balms – which were met with rave reviews from our friends and family.
Don branched out to buying candle molds and we started donating candles and personal care products to the annual Eldorado Mountain Yoga Ashram Craft fair to support our spiritual community. The products were well received there, too, and we started thinking that maybe we could turn this into a business. But, the time never seemed right, or we had other things going on.

This year, due to the pandemic, the craft fair moved on-line so we had to figure out how to take product pictures and write descriptions for the catalog – the things you need for an online store. We had always talked about having an Etsy store, but we also already had our own website and Don had web skills. With our own site, we wouldn’t have to pay the overhead fees for selling on an e-commerce site like Etsy or Shopify (those sites greatly simplify selling if you are not technically inclined). So, we decided to make Buddha And The Bees, LLC a real entity. We opened a bank account, got our state and city retail licenses, researched tax law and e-commerce software and now we are happy to say that we are open for business at buddhaandthebees.net!
Treat yourself to our handcrafted pure beeswax candles and personal care products. We offer local pickup, a flat $6 shipping fee and free shipping for orders over $50. Through time, we will expand our offerings to include more varieties of these and new products like hand dipped taper candles and beeswax food wraps. For now, we hope you’ll find something you like already in our store. Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to keep up on our latest products and stories.
THOMAS BROWN · March 2, 2021 at 10:01 pm
congratulations on your beesnuss
Don · March 3, 2021 at 8:34 am
Thanks, Tom!