Fewer Walls, More Sweetness

When I’m not beekeeping, I’m a scientist who works as a contract employee for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)**.  At the current time, I can’t go to work because the president has decided he wants a wall between Mexico and the U.S. to stop illegal immigration and drug Read more…

Honey Harvest Time

Hard to believe that another beekeeping season is almost over.  This has been a rebuilding year for me.  After losing 3 out of 6 colonies, I was hoping to catch some swarms in addition to making splits with the goal of 10 colonies to manage.  I figure that’s the most Read more…

An afternoon with the bees

The Sanskrit word seva is usually translated as “selfless service” – work performed without any thought of reward or repayment. It’s an important part of my practice both at the ashram and in my everyday life.  Every summer, the youth group at my former church goes on a work camp Read more…

August Musings

It’s been a hot, dry summer for the bees, but that hasn’t stopped them from making a good crop of honey.  Normally, first year packages spend their time building comb and enough honey to get them through the winter and a honey harvest is not in the cards.  But mine Read more…

Comb Honey

I took advantage of a change in the weather (30 degrees F cooler than yesterday) to harvest some of the honey out of BnB1.  In past inspections, they had been making brand new white comb in the back and capping some delicious looking honey in it – perfect for taking Read more…